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Christoph Gisin, trompete, trumpet, hang, handpan, slendro, sléndro, compositions, percussion

Christoph Gisin, living in Rickenbach BL, studied School Music and Trumpet at the Musikhochschule Basel between 2004 and 2008. After exposure to new genres on study trips to Asia (Java/Bali), he focuses on Gamelan and body music. The multi-instrumentalist plays various wind instruments (trumpet, flugelhorn, blues harp, alphorn), percussion instruments (Hang, Dousn’ Goni) and solos in bands and orchestras (Playin’ Tachles, Trumpet & Organ, Blasorchester, Military Music, Alphorn Trio, Bigband, Groove Move). Experiences from his many concert trips in Switzerland (including the Jazz Festival Montreux), Germany, France and Russia, influence his own compositions and improvisations (Jazz-Funk-Experimental Band Projects/Choir Music). In addition to his freelance musical activities, Christoph Gisin works as a motivated music pedagogue and, together with his partner, serves as a choir leader in the Basel region.



Jérôme von Allmen, born and reared in Basel, became captivated by jazz when studying at the Academy of Contemporary Music in Zürich. 

Delving even deeper, between 2001 and 2003, he took courses at the Jazz Club Basel and afterwards, continued at the Hochschule für Musik in Lucerne (Jazz Department), where he studied with, and was influenced by, musicians such as Nat Su, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Frank Möbus and others. Here he finished his studies in „Music Pedagogy/Musician“ in 2007, and in „Performance“ in 2008. Both on and off stage, the passionate guitarist is intensely involved with Instrumental Rock and other music styles. With much elan, he enjoys teaching young students at the Music Schools of Liestal and Gelterkinden.


Jerome von Allmen, guitar, slendro, sléndro
Christian Gutfleisch, slendro, sléndro, piano, synthesizer, keyboard

Christian Gutfleisch grew up in a musical family in Rheinfelden, Germany. After studying jazz piano at the Swiss Jazz School in Bern under Joe Haider, he worked at the Theater Basel and at the Jazz Schule Basel. Christian Gutfleisch has played numerous club gigs and festival concerts, together with personalities such as Michael Heitzler (klezmer), Thomas Moeckel, Rachel Gould, Nina Bradlin (Jazz), Picason (Salsa). Working with the David Kleins Selma Project, he played at the Schleswig Holstein Music Festival where he accompanied Thomas D., Sarah Connor, Stefanie Kloß, and Reinhard Mey. He can be heard on the CD, „Eine Frau“ (A Woman), for which Jasmin Tabatabai won a Jazz Echo. In the past few years, he has become increasingly more involved in music arrangement and production, spanning genres from traditional church music to various dance music styles, even including Current Pop. Christian Gutfleisch feels most at home with Modern Jazz and in World Music.


Dominik Schürmann, Doublebass, Bass, Kontabass, slendro, sléndro

Dominik Schürmann, born in Switzerland in 1971, took classical piano lessons as a child. At age eighteen, he began to study acoustic bass with internationally renowned Swiss bassist Isla Eckinger, and Roman Dylag from Poland. Today, Dominik is a well-rounded musician, much in demand. He is versed in all styles of jazz, as well as blues, latin music, and European dance music. He has been a member of the “Thomas Moeckel Trio” for many years. He has accompanied many well-known musicians such as Oscar Klein, David Klein, George Gruntz, Karl Ratzer, Jerome Barde, Gary Barone, Titi Winterstein, Robi Lakatos, Domenic Landolf, Luis Bonilla, Vince Benedetti, Bonnie Jeanne Taylor or Mark Hauser. He has played in many Jazz clubs and festivals around the world. Dominik has participated in various CD and theatre productions.


Lucio Marelli,drums, percussion, slendro, sléndro

Lucio Marelli (1982) studied jazz percussion at the Musikakademie Basel, Switzerland with Julio Baretto, Jorge Rossy and Vic Hart and completed his master concert "with distinction" in 2008. He has played for many years as a professional musician in bands of various styles and has performed concerts, musicals and toured in Switzerland (e.g. at the Basel Jazz Festival, Montreux Jazz Festival, Locarno International Film Festival, Boswiler Sommer), Germany (e.g. Stimmen Festival Lörrach), Italy (e.g. Basilijazz Festival), France, Holland, Morocco and Kosovo. As bandleader and composer, he performs with the projects "switalo jazz" (a joint swiss-italian jazz project) and the present "Skins, Strings & Winds" (indian music meets west).

Lucio Marelli has played with musicians such as Luis Bonilla, Mac McKenzie, Hilton Shilder, Paul Hanmer, Feya Faku, Stjepko Gut, Attilio Troiano, Simon Wyrsch, Udai Mazumdar, Jojo Mayer, Horacio “El Negro” Hernandez, the Casal Quartet and the Ensemble Seraphim, the visual artist Maria Nordman and many others.




 Ilya Völlmy Kudryavtsev was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. He began piano studies at the age of 7 and began to play organ at he age of 16. From 2001 to 2006 he studied in St Petersburg conservatory as the organist and pianist. In September 2006 he got the entrance scholarship to study as a Postgraduate student with David Titterington (interpretation) and Lionel Rogg (improvisation) in the Royal Academy of music in London. While studying at the Academy he was a recipient of various scholarships and prizes and graduated with DipRAM award in 2008. He also was holding a Fellowship in the Academy in the years 2008-2009.

Ilya was engaged as recitalist in many London Festivals such as Spitafields festival, London Handel festival, City of London festival and Southbank centre Messiaen Festival 2008.

In 2009 Ilya Kudryavtsev moved from London to Switzerland to become a “titulaire” organist in St. Martins church in Liestal (also a city church). He gives regular recitals in Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Russia and UK.  In his church Ilya is also an organiser of the “Heure Mystique” concert series and the “Easter music festival”. 

Although Ilya’s repertoire includes the music from all epochs, his main musical interests currently lie in the 19th and 20th century organ music. 



Seit dem siebten Lebensjahr tanzt Anja Göbel Ballett, später kamen Jazz-Dance, Modern Dance und Hip Hop dazu. Nach der Grundausbildung zur Sport - und Gymnastiklehrerin, entschied sie sich drei Jahre später, ihren Traum zu verwirklichen und absolvierte die Tanzausbildung für zeitgenössischen Tanz an der "Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance" in München. Seit 1998 freiberufliche Arbeit als freie Tanzlehrerin und Choreographin. Neben der Arbeit für Ballettschulen, liebt sie freiberufliche Arbeit für verschiedene interdisziplinäre Tanz-, Theater und Musik-Projekte. Zu diesen zählten in den letzten Jahren unter anderem:


  • Tanzprojekt am Theater Augsburg (Rap for Peace)

  • Coaching der dt. Nationalmannschaft in Rock´n Roll

  • Choreographie für die deutschen Rock' n' Roll Meister

  • Tänzerin im Street Art Projekt im Münchner BMW-Museum mit Mitgliedern der Break-Dance Formation "Rock Kidz Crew"

  • Choreographieren von Tanz zu Chormusik

  • Zusammenarbeit mit Royston Maldoom ("Rhythym is it" ) Assistenz des „Community Dance Projektes“ mit Jugendlichen aus Südtirol, Innsbruck, Italien und Japan

  • Musik-Tanz-Literatur Konzerte in sakralen Räumen (ua. Moritzkirche Augsburg)

  • Arbeit im Künstlerkollektiv "Sléndro", für das Musikvideo „The Way Things Go“.


Eine der schönsten Aspekte der kreativen Arbeit ist Livemusik mit Tanz zu interpretieren.




Cyrill Gerber studierte Philosophie und Deutsch an der Universität Basel und arbeitet heute als Filmproduzent der eigens gegründeten Milan Film AG. Er arbeitete 2014 bis 2015 als fester Autor bei Constantin Entertainment in München und schrieb Drehbücher für Sat 1. Seit 2016 entwickelt er Spielfilmideen und engagiert sich als Koproduzent von Kinospielfilmen. In diesem Sinne war er Ende 2016 für zwei Monate als Herstellungsleiter seiner ersten Koproduktion in der Mongolei. Ausserdem dreht er Corporate Filme für diverse privatwirtschaftliche Unternehmen und setzt sich für Basel als Produktionsstandort ein. 




Marijan von Allmen ist Grafiker und Illustrator in der Schweiz. Nebst seiner Tätigkeit als Gestalter im Umfeld einer Werbeagentur, engagiert er sich regelmässig an Projekten im Bereich Kunst und Kultur und arbeitet an eigenen Projekten.

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